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Any major building project in the catering sector requires professional project management and design. This is what Hepburn Associates offer, ensuring that any project is delivered to the required quality and specification, on time, and within budget.

The final success of any catering project depends to a significant extent on whether the detailed catering requirements have been professionally planned, designed and managed to provide a quality product/service which meets market demand and exceeds the expectation of customers.

Today’s clients often need to have analysis of the life-cycle costs and environmental impact when we design catering facilities, particularly when needing to account for the significant increases in utility costs in recent years.

Hepburn Associates offer a detailed planning and design service to Clients for their catering operations. Whether it’s a major new complex or a refurbishment of existing facilities, Hepburn Associates can evaluate options, agree detailed requirements, produce the catering brief, manage the catering design, oversee the installation, and the final commissioning / handover.

Below are a list of other useful links to Government or Industry Association Websites
DEFRA (Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs)  
FSA (Food Standards Agency)
Health & Safety Executive
BHA (British Hospitality Association)
BIFM (British Institute of Facilities Management)
CEDA (Catering Equipment Distributors Association)
Soil Association
Hospital Caterers Association
Cost Sector Catering
CESA (Catering Equipment Suppliers Association)
IOH (Institute of Hospitality)
Institute of Food & Science Technology
Institute of Food Research

RSPH (Royal Society for Public Health)
School Food Trust
University Caterer Magazine
Local Authority Caterers Association
Caterer Magazine

"Hepburn Associates time and understanding gave us confidence
that the ideas we had, could be brought together”
Clive Singleton, General Manager, Warwick Food & Drink

Curve Theatre

Lagos Airport

Warwick University
About Us Solutions Clients Support Case Studies Contact Tel: 01452 615540